Tuesday, September 4, 2018


I grade all work based on a five- or ten-point scale, depending on the degree of complexity and individual effort required.

Grades also reflect proficiency or mastery of a task (as per Oregon PROFICIENCY SCORING standards).

5      =   A      =   (0-100%)  High level of mastery at or beyond grade level

4      =   B      =   (80-89%)  Mostly proficient (some gaps in complete mastery or skill)
3.5   =   C      =   (70-79%)   Satisfactory, but still has areas to work on for full mastery of skill
1-2  =    F/D  =    Not yet at grade level (but still making some progress); or
                            Too little work turned in for complete or clear assessment

* I do not follow the same D/F scale as the typical system built into Synergy.
   D = 41-64 % (I override the district system and plug in a C for 65-69%)
   F = 0-40 %   (typically indicates NOT doing work at ability level or not providing enough to score)


All grades will be inputted into Synergy almost always within two weeks of an assignment. Sometimes there are glitches, but I try to let students and parents know if this happens.

Tasks/Assignments are also DESCRIBED IN SYNERGY, as well as comments on the grading scale used for each assignment.

When I can, I include individual comments for students and parents who may wonder why a score went one way or another.

If available, make up or changes for a higher grade are usually included in the comments section for an assignment.

Although it doesn't mean you'll always get an "A," (which, as mentioned above, indicates grade-level mastery of a task or skill), NO STUDENT WHO IS TRYING HIS OR HER BEST and AT HIS OR HER ABILITY LEVEL CAN FAIL MY CLASS.  I am always striving to build and improve reading and writing and critical thinking skills.  You can't improve if you don't try and you won't try if you don't think it's worth the effort.

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